A Specialty Geotechnical Contractor
Innovative construction services to efficiently solve soil, structural, and groundwater issues with quality, safety, and environmental awareness.
We efficiently solve soil, structural, and groundwater issues with quality, safety, and protecting the environment as our top priority.
Founded by four construction minded friends with over 4 decades of construction, waterproofing, soil and structural stabilization experience.
Highly effective / non-invasive method for repairing settling foundations, stabilizing soils - increasing subgrade load bearing capacity.
ABOUT Stratalock
Stratalock is a geotechnical contractor that specializes in foundation repair, waterproofing, and soil stabilization. We provide solutions to a wide variety of soil and structural issues. With decades of combined experience, we have the expertise to provide long-lasting solutions to the problems you are experiencing.
Innovative Work
Our unique solutions address the problem at the source. By improving the soil, we can effectively stabilize your settling foundation.
Trusted Solutions
Soil improvement by polymer injection is a widely utilized and accepted method to restore settled foundations.
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With our various geographical locations, we have the ability to provide our innovative geotechnical solutions to soil issues all across the country.
We lift and level your home's concrete, fixing walkways, driveways, and floors. Our quick, effective service restores safety and appearance without a big hassle or cost.
Our polymer injection can stabilize soil and level your home's foundation, ensuring stability and safety for your property
Using our Deep Soil Injection process, we can effectively stabilize your building's foundation and other commercial and industrial structures with minimal impact to your daily operations.
We specialize in leveling uneven concrete. Our polymer injections can provide a long lasting solution to anything from trip hazards and rocking slabs to significant settlement of concrete floors.
Our solutions can be utilized to address many issues facing underground infrastructure assets. We can remediate inflow & infiltration, and stabilize the soil around your underground sewers and utilities.
Our Deep Soil Injections process can be effectively utilized to lift and stabilize roads, bridge approach and departure slabs, and strengthen weak underlying soils beneath transportation infrastructure.
CEO - Co Founder
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CEO - Co Founder
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CEO - Co Founder
Exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea ex commodo consequat duis aute aboris nisi ut aliquip irure reprehederit in voluptate velit esse .
CEO - Co Founder
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News & Updates
Innovative construction services to efficiently solve soil, structural, and groundwater issues with quality, safety, and the environmental awareness.
Have questions or need to speak with one of our experts? Please call us , we would love to talk with you!
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